“Learn to Build a List of Thousands, Quickly and Easily … Even if You Have No Website, No List, and Practically No Past Success!
Have you spent the last several months struggling to succeed online, but getting no where fast? Maybe you’ve spent even longer than that and you still haven’t broken the $1,000 per month mark?
Maybe you’re still stuck trying to make that first $100 two months in a row? Have you heard the so-called “Gurus” saying over and over again that “The Money Is In The List”?
Yet, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to get more than a handful of subscribers to sign up to YOUR list? Have you thought to yourself, “Perhaps it’s time to cut my losses and run?” Well don’t leave the ballgame just yet!
The KEY to your Success has just arrived! Let me tell you a little story … Last summer, I hosted a very successful promotion called www.117SelfImprovementGifts.com. This was one of those sites called a JV Giveaway (short for “Joint Venture Giveaway”).
What is a JV Giveaway and How Can You Build an Opt-In List Using It?
The way that JV Giveaways work is that a number of Joint Venture Partners come together and give gifts for the members to download. The JV Partners then promote the site. When a member joins, it earns points for the JV Partner referring that member. The more points a JV Partner has, the higher in the list his gift is displayed. By referring new members, the JV Partner also earns commissions on sales of the one-time-offer. For a high converting OTO, this can mean big bucks for the JV Partners who push the promotion hard.
After a member joins, the member begins downloading gifts. In order to download a gift, the member must first subscribe to the gift giver’s list. The more downloads of a Partner’s gift, the more new subscribers that JV Partner gets to his list. In a big giveaway, this can mean HUNDREDS of new subscribers for the JV Partner.
There are Drawbacks of JV Giveaways, Though …
There are a few drawbacks of most giveaways, though. . Especially if you’re new or you have no list. Most Giveaways require that you have a certain number of subscribers on your list in order to join as a JV Partner in the first place.
That means that for most new people just starting out, JV Giveaways are not even an option for building a list. Another drawback is that you need to have a gift to give in the first place. And, that gift has to be something attractive enough to get people to download it. If you don’t have a gift, you can still refer people to the Giveaway and earn commissions. But, you’ll never be able to build a list from your participation at all.
The Giveaway that I held last summer was very different than “most” Giveaways, though. First of all, we didn’t require you to have a big list at all. In fact, you didn’t need to have ANY list to join. Second, we even offered training materials to help our JV Partners (and even our members!) promote the site. We really wanted them to succeed! Third, we offered teleconferences to help them even further. We made all of these available not just to the JV Partners but also to the members as well. Now you have to understand one thing. This wasn’t just any old giveaway in the Internet Marketing niche. This was a Self Improvement giveaway.
Most of my members were interested in self improvement but had never really thought much about marketing on the internet. Sure, the JV Partners were also marketers, but they were primarily self improvement experts — NOT marketers. We really had to motivate them … both the members and the JV Partners … to get them interested in joining us. But once they got inside the site and saw all of the training we provided, many decided to take a stab at online marketing.
A School Teacher Built a List of More Than 500+ Starting From Scratch In Less Than 30 Days!
One school teacher who had no list, no website, and absolutely NO experience built a list of over 500 new subscribers in less than 30 days using the training we provided. Here’s what she had to say at the end of week #2:
“This is the first time I’ve ever even tried marketing anything online. Before your giveaway, I had not ever even tried to build my list or tried to do any PPC campaigns.”Because of your lessons, I’ve been able to get into even MORE giveaways. The other 2 giveaways I’m using to send even more people back to the 117 site and cross-promoting all of them! I couldn’t have done it without your lessons and all of your help! I am forever grateful to you for helping me get my start online!”I have 206 new subscribers on my new list just from your giveaway. And I’ve referred 216 so far! That’s in only 2 weeks!” Mary Abbott www.christinasmarketplace.com
Another Newbie Got a List of Over 115+ Subscribers In Only 5 Days!
Another woman, again someone with practically NO experience, got over 115+ subscribers in only 5 days using these very same training materials!
“What a great way to build a list! I had no list when we started, and in just five days, I had 115 new subscribers on my list!. I’m looking forward to seeing what I’ll have by the time this promotion ends.” Nancy Gable www.theseriousway.com
Those With a Little Experience Got Over 646+ New Opt Ins in Only 14 Days! For those who already had small lists to start with, and had at least a small amount of experience in marketing online, the training materials were equally beneficial! For example, one marketer was able to use the lessons we provided to get over 646+ subscribers in only 14 days.
“I’ve got exactly 646 subscribers (verified) from the promotion thus far. That is an incredible number! As I continue to work with you, I can fully expect the results to be stellar.” Bill White www.synchronicityexpert.com
Another Experienced Marketer Got Over 806+ Subscribers In Only 2 Weeks!
Yet another marketer had over 806+ subscribers in only 2 weeks!
“As of July 30, 2007, after only 2 weeks into this promotion, I have received over 806 new subscribers. Thank you so much for this opportunity!” Raan Anand www.List-and-Profits.com
Even With Technical Glitches, This Marketer Got Over 520+ New Opt Ins In 14 Days!
Heck, even those marketers who had technical glitches were still able to get over 520+ subscribers in only 14 days.
“Even though I’ve had some problems with my autoresponder, I still received over 520+ subscribers by in only 2 weeks in this promotion! Thanks so much!” Michael Lee www.20daypersuasion.com
Don’t you wish that you had his problems?
“What is it that these marketers did to build lists so quickly?”
That’s the real question, isn’t it? I’ll bet you any money that if you knew their secret you’d be willing to do it over and over again … especially if you knew that you too could get HUNDREDS of new opt-in subscribers on YOUR List in only a few days to a week or two? Heck, maybe you could even do better than these people? Maybe you could even get a thousand or more new opt ins on your list in only a few weeks? Well let me give you the good news then …
The Good News Is That I’ve Decided To Release The Secret Used By These People To The Public!
It’s been 6 months since that giveaway. Until now, I had kept the materials we gave to our members and JV Partners a secret. But I’ve gotten literally DOZENS of emails and phone calls these past few months begging me to share the lessons with them too. I can’t tell you how many people promised to keep it as “our little secret” if I would just let them take a quick peek! I didn’t want to make it look like I was playing “favorites” to any one person and give just one or two people access to these materials. So instead, I’ve decided to release the “secrets” used by the members of my “117 Self Improvements” site for the first time EVER to the public! That means that YOU can get this training material for yourself, right now, so that you too can immediately begin building a list of hundreds in less than a few weeks!
Presenting … “Giveaway Secrets of The JV Queen”
I call this course the “Giveaway Secrets of The JV Queen”. I guess that I should have mentioned earlier that I am known as “The JV Queen” by many marketers online. I earned this name over the past several years working as a JV Broker to some of the biggest names on the ‘net. I’ve built joint ventures that pulled in millions of dollars quickly for people like Shawn Casey, Willie Crawford, Henry Gold, David Garfinkel, and many, many others. It was because of my experience as “The JV Queen” that I even decided to co-host the 117 Self Improvement Gifts site in the first place. What I’m trying to say is that I know a thing or two about Joint Ventures of all types and how they work, how they bring in tons of cash, and how the big guns use them to rake in big dough over and over again. With the “Giveaway Secrets of The JV Queen” course, you too will be able to learn all my secrets for using this one type of Joint Venture to rake in loads of cash for yourself while building HUGE opt in lists quickly! The best part is that you can use these secrets even if you have little experience and no list right now! In the “Giveaway Secrets of The JV Queen” you’ll learn:
- What Is a Joint Venture? How does a JV Giveaway work? What are the benefits of a JV Giveaway?
- How do you participate in a JV Giveaway with no list (or without using a list even if you have one?)
- How to promote the giveaway using Blogs, Social Bookmarking & RSS feeds
- How to promote a giveaway using Article Submission and Syndication
- How to promote a giveaway using Forums
- How else can you promote a giveaway?
- How do you train your new list to become buyers?
- And many other techniques for increasing your list and your profits through JV Giveaways
This course contains:
- A 1 1/2 hour audio with powerpoint presentation (in Slide Show format and in PDF) so that you can both listen & watch. This lesson covers Blogging & Traffic. In this lesson, you will learn:
- How to setup a WordPress Blog and optimize it for maximum traffic producing results.
- How to write powerful blog posts
- How to post on your blog,;
- How to set up an RSS feed in Feedburner and add it to your blog
- How to get subscribers to your RSS feeds
- How to set up your MyBlogLog account and add it to your blog
- How to use MyBlogLog statistics for your blog
- A 1 1/2 hour audio with powerpoint presentation (in Slide Show format and in PDF) so that you can both listen & watch. This lesson covers the ‘Secrets of JV Giveaways’“. In it, you will learn:
- How to write a powerful post that gets results for your blog,
- How to use Social Bookmarking to get maximum traffic to your blog,
- How to write and syndicate an Article using free services to drive even more traffic to your blog,
- How to use other Web 2.0 traffic methods to really EXPLODE your list building results;
- A BONUS Call on Joint Ventures. This call turned into more of a Mastermind Session. After I got done sharing my strategies for building very powerful, very profitable joint ventures that even a newbie can be successful with, a few of my friends jumped in and shared some of their secrets for success with Joint Ventures as well. On this call you’ll learn:
- What is a Joint Venture?
- What are the “Big 3” and why are they essential in EVERY Joint Venture?
- How do you build a theme into your joint venture?
- Where do you find JV Partners to promote your products and services?
- How can you be a JV Partner for someone else’s product and get your share of the profits, too?
- How to develop a “Success Mindset” that is essential to succeeding online?
- and much, MUCH more!
- Four (4) detailed, step-by-step Blogging Checklists & a Ping List including:
- “Which Blog Should You Use?”
- “Installing/Upgrading WordPress”
- “Titles/Tags/Meta Tags/Categories”
- “Installing WordPress On Your Host”
- And, a list of Search Engines & Other Sites to Ping each time you post to your blog. (This is THE KEY to getting traffic to your site!)
- A detailed, step-by-step JV Giveaway Checklist;
- Three (3) Flowcharts – Blog System Flowchart, Flowchart of a JV Giveaway, Blog Layout Flowchart
- Seven (7) Products with Resale Rights and/or Giveaway Rights so that you’ll have a gift to give in the giveaways to build your list. These products include:
- “Effective Time Management Strategies”
- “People Management”
- “The Complete Guide To Internet Marketing”
- “Small Business Management For Success”
- “The Essentials For Starting A Small Business”
- What Is Executive Coaching?
- And A set of 25 Articles with Full PLR Rights that you can use to create your own ebook or as blog posts
- Templates for your entire Opt In System. These include your opt in page, your Thank You Page or One Time Offer Page, and your Download Page. Just fill in the information that the templates ask you for, upload to your server, and you’re set! I’ve even included a bonus product that will teach you how to FTP them to your server in case you’ve never done that before.
- Two (2) BONUS Videos On Using Bookmarking Demon – Bookmarking Demon is a tool that you can’t live without if you’re a blogger! It saves you HOURS of time every single day (nope, I’m not exaggerating there either — EVERY day!). One of my apprentices took the time to put together 2 fantastic videos that walk you through every step of using Bookmarking Demon to drive HUNDREDS of visitors to your blog every day. Watch these short videos and you’ll be blogging like a pro in no time!
Although this intensive course is laser focused on building your list using JV Giveaways, the techniques that you’ll learn apply equally to driving traffic to your blog, driving traffic to your product website, list building in ANY niche, and even making sales through one time offers.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Generating a List, Creating Buzz Around Your Product, Promoting Anything You’d Like, or Selling Your Product!
You’ll learn step-by-step, everything you need to do to create a blog and then to turn your blog into a JV Giveaway Traffic Funnel. That Traffic Funnel can be used to generate a list, create buzz around a product or promote a giveaway and even to sell your product …
All while providing your site, your reputation and the search engines with fresh content! Content is the name of the game these days. (Heck, if you haven’t heard, “Content is KING!”) Whether you’re a new marketer or an expert marketer, this information will EXPLODE your blogging practices! Better still, you can use this information in any area that your traffic needs a boost.
Let’s Recap Everything You Get …
To make this even easier on you, both the ‘Intro to Blogging’ call and the ‘Royal Secrets of JV Giveaways‘ call come with not just the audios & the powerpoints, but they BOTH come with Powerpoint Slide Shows and PDF’s s as well! Over two hours of content, available for you to review at any time. Add to that the BONUS call on Joint Ventures by “The JV Queen”, and you’re going to have over 4 HOURS of Lessons that will teach you exactly how to get started building that list and driving traffic to your sites! This is your golden ticket to ANY joint venture or JV Giveaway – AND it will give you the tools you’ll need to run with the “big dogs” in ANY promotion! So let’s recap everything that you get when you download ‘Giveaway Secrets of The JV Queen” right now:
- Two (2) Audios (each over 1 1/2 hours long) — one on Driving Traffic and the Principles of Joint Ventures and JV Giveaways, and the other one on Blogging
- Two (2) Powerpoint Presentations — one on Joint Ventures and JV Giveaways and one on Blogging (NOTE: You get these in both Powerpoint format and in PDF so that you can print them out and follow along as you listen to the Audios!)
- Two (2) Videos – the two calls were originally recorded in a webinar. You’ll get the videos from those webinairs as well so that you can actually SEE exactly how you put all of the pieces together on your own.
- Three (3) Flowcharts – Blog System Flowchart, Flowchart of a JV Giveaway, Blog Layout Flowchart. Just follow along, step-by-step, to build your list profitably!
- Six (6) Checklists – 4 never before seen blogging checklists including “Which Blog Should You Use?”, “Installing/Upgrading WordPress”, “Titles/Tags/Meta Tags/Categories”, “Installing WordPress On Your Host” & a ping list. I’ve even included a comprehensiveJV Giveaway Checklist! These mini reports will put you on the fast track to blogging success, and give you a tangible list to work with after only participating in ONE JV Giveaway! Besides, this is the same checklist that I personally use with my former clients and my current apprentices, interns and coaching students.
- Seven (7) Products with Resale Rights & Giveaway Rights – You’ll need to have something to giveaway when you join the giveaways. Right? I’ve included a number of products that you can use depending upon your niche. These include “Effective Time Management Strategies”, “People Management”, “The Complete Guide To Internet Marketing”, “Small Business Management For Success”, “The Essentials For Starting A Small Business”, a License Creator, a set of 25 Articles with Full PLR Rights that you can use to create your own ebook or as blog posts,
- BONUS CALL! “The JV Queen” on JV’s for Newbies! – This turned out to be an AMAZING call! We had everyone from brand new people who were just starting out on the internet to really experienced people who have been doing Joint Ventures for a LONG time! So this call turned out to be more of a “Mastermind” Session with the experienced people helping the newer people! The call went on for almost 2 full hours and in it, we share some really juicy info for building very powerful, very profitable joint ventures online!
- Templates for your entire Opt In System. These include your opt in page, your Thank You Page or One Time Offer Page, and your Download Page.
- Two (2) BONUS Videos On Using Bookmarking Demon
I tried to make everything as easy for you as possible. The calls break everything down to step-by-step simplicity. The checklists walk you through it all one baby step at a time. Just listen to what a few of my current and former students have to say about their experiences with having me as a coach and mentor …
Here’s What Others Are Saying . . .
Your “Giveaway secrets” are a fantastic launching point. Your knowledge of the internet and strategy is a great resource – for beginners like Wade as well as experts like myself. THANK YOU! j community manager CorePage | Know more. Sell faster.
The challenge in writing this testimonial is not what to say, but how to shorten it enough so that I don’t end up composing a new sales letter of my own.Gina is one of the most giving, knowledgeable people that I have ever come across. Her teachings have literally been invaluable to me.Gina’s wealth of knowledge is immeasurable. She’ll casually mention a resource or an idea in passing, as almost a non-event, and it’ll completely revolutionize my business! One $99 resource that she offhandedly referenced is going to save me countless hours as well as hundreds – if not thousands in the long term – of dollars. I mentioned this resource on the Warrior Forum and received multiple Private Messages from people who were profusely thanking me for sharing it!Some traffic tactics that she shared with me are going to give me thousands of new unique visitors every single month, and for a very long time to come.I have gained much more than the names of some resources from Gina, though. Even she doesn’t know this, but one goal-setting strategy that she shared with me is single-handedly re-structuring my life. Almost instantaneously after I sat down and applied what she taught me, I saw quantifiable results, and in a huge way. Her method has instilled in me a new sense of focus and passion, and it truly is transforming my life.I could go on and on about the positive results that I have experienced as a result of knowing Gina, but I realize that this is already probably longer than it should be.I’d implore anybody who is at all questioning Gina’s value to contact me personally at rachelrofe (at) gmail.com so that I can explain further the abundance of benefit that one would receive by working with her — Rachel Rofe
Gina’s coaching program is one of the best! Henry has an incredible ability to create and explain online business systems in a logical way using flow charts and going into detail on how they work.Gina compliments this greatly with her extensive experience in networking and creating joint ventures through building relationships. The two of them make a great team, and have shown me many brilliant ways of doing things online that I’ve never encountered before. I highly recommend this apprenticeship if you want to get a comprehensive well-rounded education on developing a successful business system of your own and learn to generate traffic to your site — Jambhala Rinpo, WealthMoneyandPower.com, BC, Canada
What a great honor it is to be one of Gina Gaudio-Graves’ interns. As my mentor and a great teacher. Gina is hands down and without a doubt the best there is. She has gone above and beyond just being a teacher. Her patience and dedication inspires me to do more than I think I can. And as her Intern, I have learned about setting goals, strategies, strategic alliances and planning my business. Gina doesn’t just teach me to make money online, she teaches me how to focus on developing my internet business into a profitable business. Thank you, Gina for teaching me how to control my future. Shelby Carr http://www.theprofitshack.com
Gina Gaudio-Graves has brought so much value to my life; it would be impossible to put a dollar amount to it. Gina has a very rare talent of being a forward thinker, having the ability to see in the future in regard to business trends, just a true visionary. She showed me techniques 4 years ago that are just now becoming popular.Gina doesn’t take the path that is popular, but neither did Donald Trump, Oprah, Steve Jobs.If you have the opportunity to place yourself around Gina, I suggest you do, and implement her strategies NOW!!Timing is everything, and wealth shifts happen when being at the right place at the right time. I have always known that being with Gina, I was at the right place at the right time. Josh Peak www.joshpeak.com
Hi Gina,I wanted to take this opportunity to say “Thank You!” for all you do!Your training and input have made such an impact on my personal motivation and organizational skills, it’s only natural that my business has seen a direct increase as a result. You make learning so much fun, I almost forget I’m “in training” at times! Meeting new people and having the opportunity to interact directly with everyone, aids in my personal learning process so much, that I’m able to take all the information and put it to work almost immediately and directly where it’s needed the most. The ability to form new relationships that lead to new business ventures is, well, simply priceless! Ok, so “thank you” is not enough! Shall I send you my first-born? 🙂 Your training sessions are truly awesome, and my business not only appreciates you for it, I can hardly wait to see what’s coming next! All My Best, Kathe Lucas www.launchalerts.com www.dotcomsuccess.com
Normally a product like this would set cost you a small fortune. This is a product that should be priced at $27 or $47 — but I have a reason behind why I’m releasing this package now. And it’s because of that reason that I’m going to keep this price cheap. The way I see it is this …
If I get this package out to enough people now, it will create a TON of people who are trained to participate in JV Giveaways. Later, I’ll be able to host another giveaway of my own and get all those trained people onboard to help really EXPLODE the results I’ll get! I’m not trying to be greedy here at all. I’m doing this as much for you as I am for me! The reason that I KNOW that you’ll jump on board is because I know that you will LOVE having the huge list that you’ll build in my giveaway … just like all those people you read about earlier in this letter! So the more people that get this product and use it, the bigger that giveaway becomes! It’s for this reason alone that I am keeping the product at a super low, introductory special price of ONLY $47 $27.

Get the 2-Part Audio/Powerpoint Course, the BONUS Call on Joint Ventures, the 6 Blogging Checklists, the JV Giveaway Checklist, the Templates, the 2 Bookmarking Demon Videos, and the 7 Products You Can Use to Build Your List in 2008 and Beyond for …
JUST $47 $27
Giveaway Secrets of The JV Queen NOW!!!
Tuition in my coaching program would cost you at least 10 times more PER HOUR than the ultra low $47 $27 you’ll pay for this course. Consider it my gift to you to get you off to a great start in your business! Be prepared to change the way you look at blogging, giveaways, affiliate sales, and traffic FOREVER.
To Your Abundant Online Success!
Gina Gaudio-Graves
PS. This is a powerful and revealing product that is your real chance to learn WordPress, List Building, Traffic and JV Giveaways. These techniques can be applied to building any list, funneling traffic, or making affiliate sales … in ANY market! And of course, I’ve negotiated with a few Giveaway hosts that will allow you to apply this life-changing information immediately!