How Can Directions University Help YOUR Business?
A healthy, successful business really has 5 main pieces…
They form what are known as the “5 core systems that EVERY business needs”.
They are:
The Mindset System – This means having a positive mental attitude. Coming from a place of abundance instead of scarcity. The biggest success stories on Planet Earth know this: Get the Mindset piece right and even if you mess up on everything else you can still get HUGE results! Learn More…
The Content Marketing & Relationship Building System – This means using WordPress to build your site so that you can have a conversation with people instead of talking at them and then tying your website to ALL your social media presences where your prospects are already hanging out. Learn More…
The Monetization System –
Online, people aren’t searching for “stuff” to buy. They’re looking for strangers with experience who can help them solve their problems. That means that they really want is INFORMATION. To you that means using Information Products to generate leads (new customers) so that you can then get them to buy ANYTHING else you’d like — whether that’s more information, physical products, memberships, services, affiliate products, etc. Learn More…
The Leveraging System — Leverage means getting bigger results with less effort in a shorter amount of time. In your business, “Leverage” comes from using Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances to get EVERY asset your business needs including products to sell, people to sell them to, traffic to a website, a list of buyers and subscribers. Learn More…
The Traffic & Lead Generation System —
Once you have the first 4 core systems, then everything is about driving more people to your website, getting them onto your list, and then turning them into loyal customers who not only buy over and over again but who also can’t help but tell EVERYONE they know about you. (These people are called “Raving Evangelists”.) A part of your “Lead Generation System” is your “Entrepreneurial Authoring System”. By writing a book that promotes your entire business, and turning it into a Best Seller, you can attract more leads, more JV Partners, and more success — effortlessly! Learn More…
Meet Directions University’s Deans and Faculty
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Within these 5 “systems” are ALL of the components that together create a VERY successful business!
Unfortunately, most information products at best give you one of these pieces. Some don’t even give you an entire piece but just one little tiny corner of it. No wonder why you’re not having any success in your business, right?
Get Direction For Your Business With the Traffic Masters Radio Show!
Each week, on Tuesdays at noon eastern, we interview experts on “Traffic Masters” on BlogTalkRadio. Guests share their best traffic and conversion strategies they use to grow their business. We are always looking for great guests! If you’re an expert with great advice for entrepreneurs and you’d like to be a guest on the show, email us at radio (at)!