“You’re About To Discover The ONE
Single Thing That Will Determine Whether
You’ll Be A Successful Business Owner Or Not!”

What do you get when you cross 3 World Renowned Marketing Experts with 1 Barbeque Restaurant and 3 Entrepreneur Wanna-Be’s?
“Barb-B-Q Marketing … Slow Roasted Outcome Planning for Building a Successful Business Online!”
From The Offices Of: Gina Gaudio-Graves
Dear Internet Entrepreneur: With the economy at near record level lows, jobs being lost right and left, and state unemployment bureaus not even having enough money to continue paying claims through the end of the year, it’s a scary time right now …
How will you keep a roof over your head? How will you keep food on your family’s table? How will you fill your gas tank to even go out looking for a way to make money for your family?
Record numbers are turning to the internet to make money online. But again, they’re faced with a whole new set of problems …
They put up websites, only to find that no one ever finds them. They create ebooks only to find that not a soul ever reads them because no one ever finds them. They hear that the money is in the list, but no one ever signs up for theirs. They’re told that you can make millions online overnight, but they can’t seem to put even $10 into their bank account consistently every day for a week!
It feels like it’s just hopeless…
I am the Dean & Founder of The IM University (“IM” stands for “Internet Marketing”). And these are the kinds of stories that I hear from applicants every day of every week.
As our graduates know, though, it is NOT hopeless at all! In fact, anyone can build a successful business online! All it takes is two things …
KEY INGREDIENT #1: A Strategic Action Plan!
KEY INGREDIENT #2: Action! Not just any action, though. But — the RIGHT ACTION!
When you have these two KEY ingredients, EVERY business will be successful online!
If you’ve been online for more than a day, you’ve probably already picked up tons of info products that teach you things like …
- How to Build a List
- How to Drive Traffic to Your Site
- How to Set Up a Blog
- How to Create Your Own Info Products
- How to Turn PLR Products Into Hot Selling Info Products of Your Own
- How to Make Money in Affiliate Marketing, Selling Other People’s Products
- How to Use Joint Ventures to Make More Money
Perhaps you’ve even tried some of the strategies that you’ve learned in these products. But most likely, you’re still sitting there with an empty bank account.
Does this sound like you?
Don’t be discouraged — it’s not your fault!
I blame it on the info product creators themselves. They’ve set you up for failure in a big way!
You see, what you’ve got from all of these products is the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle. You’re sitting there right now with all of the pieces you need to assemble the puzzle completely. BUT — you’re still missing one huge ingredient …
What you’re missing is the puzzle box!
If you’ve ever tried to put a puzzle together without looking at the picture you know just how hard this can be. Can you put the puzzle together without the puzzle box?
Maybe. But it’s going to take you a LOT longer and you’re going to get a LOT more gray hair in the process, right?
And if it’s one of those ultra-complicated puzzles with 1,000 pieces or more, you’ll probably be sitting there next year at this same time with only a small portion of the puzzle assembled.
That’s the same thing that’s happening to you right now in trying to build your business …
You’re trying to assemble an ultra-complicated jigsaw puzzle that contains 1,000 pieces without having a picture to look at to help guide you.
That’s where BBQ Marketing comes in …
It’s the puzzle box that you need to build your business!
A few months back, I got together with a couple of my friends, Jeff Levesque (who’s also my Affiliate Manager in The IM University), and the creator of the ultra-successful “Interview With God”, Morgan Westerman.
As we sat there shooting the shit one night, we realized that we had a great opportunity before us …
We were all in one place, at one time. We were surrounded by a number of people who were trying to build their businesses in the same way that you are right now — without the puzzle box.
And — if we were willing to part with one afternoon of our time, we could really make a difference for just a few people while at the same time putting some extra spending money into our own pockets!
I knew a number of people who were spending the weekend with us at this seminar. So I asked them if they might like to spend a few hours with the three of us and let us help them get a crystal clear picture of what they needed to do to build their businesses.
Of course they were shocked, amazed, and jumped at the opportunity …
Even though it cost each one of them $1,000! (You’ll can read the sales letter here.)
We opened the event up to a total of 6 people, but since only 3 registered, they each got 2 hours of our time a piece!
During those 2 hours, we were able to:
- Show each one how to target a very specific market that would allow them to benefit from “The Money Flowchart”. By targeting a more narrowly focused audience, each would be able to have a more targeted message, allowing them to increase their prices, resulting in higher conversions an exponentially more in sales!
- Pick apart each business, tear it completely down and then rebuild it to put together a kick-butt action packed plan that each could follow on a step-by-step basis to bring in at least a 5-figure per month income in a very short period of time
- Develop a complete Profit Funnel for each business that started with a low end product that could generate leads, and lead into mid-range and high-end products that would bring in profits over and over again, on autopilot. This allowed each entrepreneur to build a system that truly maximized the lifetime value of the customer, helping them to need fewer “new” customers (thereby saving them tons of time and effort in driving traffic!) to make more money in the end!
- Put together a Traffic Generation Plan that would allow each one to bring in between 30,000 and 150,000 unique visitors per month on autopilot! Since each already had a true Profit Funnel, they would have a way to monetize all these visitors and stuff their bank accounts with cash effortlessly!
We recorded every single minute of the entire day, too, so that these 3 lucky entrepreneurs would be able to go home and implement every single golden-nugget we gave them!
By the end of the day, all 3 of us were completed wiped-out! Yet the 3 people who had spent the day with us acted like they had just sat on a hot bbq grill! They were on fire and ready to take action in a HUGE way!
Oh – I almost forgot to mention …
We ended up getting together at a very unique BBQ Restaurant in Las Vegas called “Memphis Championship Barbeque”. This turned out to be the best place we could have chosen because it was a marketing lesson all by itself!
This wasn’t just any old restaurant. It was an award winning BBQ Sauce that had been handed down through generations, and the owners took advantage of it!
The entire restaurant created an “experience” for the visitors … something that we had talked about with every one of the entrepreneurs that day. It became one unique example of branding, profit funnels, and social marketing!
So we used this as yet another educational experience and created a fourth audio recording about the restaurant, how they had taken advantage of the “story”, what made it work, and how anyone could duplicate it in their own business.
By the end of the day, the recordings we had just made created a kick-butt, action plan that was duplicatable in ANY business!
Originally we had planned on keeping these recordings to make them available only to the 3 lucky entrepreneurs who spent the day with us.
But once we listened to the recordings, we realized that these were so valuable that we just couldn’t keep them to ourselves!
We knew that these recordings and the strategies that we had laid out in them could help ANYONE build a business faster and get that business to the point where it was making a solid 5-figure monthly income.
So, for the first time ever, you can now get started building your own Strategic Action Plan by downloading …
“Barbeque Marketing Profits”
What does this package include?
- 3 Audios — a total of 6 hours of Strategic Business Building Information
- “Finding Your Greatest Potential” Report – this goal setting report will help you assess your passions and determine what it is that you really want in both life and business. Without knowing what it is that you really want, you can’t move forward in building a plan that will get you there.
- Entrepreneurial Four Leaf Clover – what kind of business will you build? Who will you target? In other words — what niche will you be in? It’s important that you build your business around your passions. Otherwise you won’t have the expertise to be successful and others won’t perceive you as an influencer or an expert. Use this chart to help you determine what your potentially profitable passions really are.
- Profit Funnel Flowchart — follow along with the Profit Funnel Flowchart so that you can build this same system into your own business
- Traffic Sources Worksheet — use this Excel Spreadsheet to figure out exactly how many visitors you need to reach your sales goal and put together a plan that will help you get there every time
- Target Market Worksheet & Finding Gold Worksheet – use the Finding Gold Worksheet & the Target Market Worksheet to research your own target market and put together the plan for how you will reach them and what you will sell to them to make money in your business
- Flowchart Everything Flowchart — You can’t build a Strategic Action plan without flowcharting the business, the website, and everything else. So we’re including this “Flowchart Everything” worksheet to make it crystal clear on how you design your own Strategic Action Plan.
- BONUS #1: Gold Membership in the 30-Day IM Challenge — this 30-Day Action Plan contains more than 18+ Lessons, more than 750+ pages, to help you:
- Put together your Goals & Strategic Plan,
- Create Your Success Mindset,
- Choose Your Target Market,
- Build Your Profit Funnel,
- Create or Locate Products to Sell,
- Set Up Your Web Presence in the Form of a WordPress Blog,
- Use a Simple 6-Step Process to Bring in 1,000 to 5,000 Unique Visitors Per Day,
- Build Relationships with Your Prospects Strategically,
- and much more!
As a Gold Member you’ll not only have access to all of the Lessons to read in the Member’s Area, you’ll also get all of the Lessons in downloadable PDF format, and you’ll get access to 4 LIVE Weekly Calls (as well as mp3 recordings from each one!) to help you implement all that you learn!
- BIG BONUS #2: You’ll also get a Complimentary Strategy Session of your own! That way you’ll get our help in building your own Strategic Action Plan!
After going through this entire package, what will you be able to accomplish in your own business? You’ll be able to:
- Set achievable goals that you will use to build your Strategic Action Plan.
- Create a Strategic Action Plan that will become your roadmap to success. All you have to do is follow it, one small step at a time, and you’ll reach your goals every time!
- Locate a Profitable Target Market that you can build your entire business around. This will be a target market that uses your passions so that you’ll be able to build a business that will make you happy and further your goals!
- Know exactly what kind of products your Target Market wants to buy!
- Plan a Traffic Generation System that will ensure that you reach your goals EVERY single time!
- Reach a 5-Figure Monthly Income by following the blueprint you created for yourself!
After spending a day with me, Morgan, and Jeff, all 3 entrepreneurs ended up becoming students in Directions University’s Bachelor’s Program so that they could continue building upon what we started that Sunday in Las Vegas. As you’ll notice, we haven’t taken the time to make everything all pretty and attractive.
There are no pretty graphics for the audios, no covers for the reports, worksheets, checklists, etc. But that doesn’t mean that the information that you’ll get inside this package isn’t top notch! We simply felt that it was more important to get this information to you quickly than it was to take months to put together the right graphics, a gorgeous sales letter, etc. That’s why we’ve decided to offer this to you at an Introductory Special right now!
That means that for the next one-week only, you can download this entire Strategic Action Pack for only $997 $297 $97 $47 $27!
So, here’s the deal … If you download the package right now — you’ll get an ADDITIONAL $20 off the already super-low Introductory Special. That way all this can be yours for only $27! AND — I’ll even take all the risk away, too! If you’ve ever purchased any of my products before, you know that I absolutely NEVER offer a guarantee.
But I’m changing all that with this package because I know how well these strategies work! If you download this package right now and try all of the strategies — you use the checklists, worksheets, flowcharts, and your personal, one-on-one Strategy Session — and you put them into action in your business — if you don’t increase your income by at least the amount you invested in this package within the next 60 days, simply contact us directly and we’ll happily issue you a refund.
With this No Risk Guarantee, and the Super Low — Pre-Introductory Special, you’re saving $970 off of what it cost to attend this program live AND you’re still getting the benefit of all of these great strategies that will help you build a 5-figure monthly income in YOUR business! Talk about a total “no-brainer”?
But you can only get this deal for the next 36 hours! After that you’ll pay almost DOUBLE! What are you waiting for?
Give Your Business the “Kick” That You’d Expect From a Good BBQ!
Download these 6+ Hours of Grilling Audios PLUS Worksheets PLUS Flowcharts … ONLY $47 $27 PRE-Introductory Special

I’m looking forward to meeting you personally on your one-on-one Strategy Session!
To Your Abundant Online Success,
Gina Gaudio-Graves
P.P.S.: The sooner you get your hands on the “BBQ Marketing Profits” Package the sooner you can be well on your way to joining the thousands of regular people just like you who are making full time monthly incomes online!